“How do you want to be talked about and what are you doing to make that happen?” Ken Schmidt reminds people that we are a story-telling species and getting noticed by customers or even in your own organization is about being memorable. Saying or doing what people expect doesn’t make you – or your business – stand out. In this talk Ken shows how to make a lasting impact. It starts with answering three key questions about how you want to be remembered. Ken reminds audiences that what people remember about you is dependent on how you make them feel about themselves. It’s more important to be interested – not interesting. Ken shares lessons learned from a celebrated career at Harley-Davidson and beyond to show how to build a personal brand that will fast track your career in today’s dynamic landscape.
– Identify your unique qualities and how you want to be remembered
– Hear ways to make others feel good about themselves
– Learn how to take an active role in meetings and actively participate
– Understand that by encouraging others to share their stories, you can then share yours
– Ways to continuously improve your personal brand by focusing on R&R (Remember & Repeat)